GCU Student Debt Program
The GCU Board of Directors realizes that many of our young adult members complete their post secondary education with significant Student Debt. In an effort to address this issue, the Board has developed a program to assist GCU members with a portion of their Student Debt.
Members that meet the programs requirements will be eligible for four (4) annual awards, currently $1,000 per year. The awards will be paid over the course of four (4) years and require the applicants to apply annually to receive the award.
Applicants must:
- Be a GCU member with a permanent life insurance certificate or an annuity with a current balance of at least $2,000 as of December 31, 2022.
- Provide proof of graduation date (photo copy of diploma or letter from the educational institution verifying graduation or successful completion of post secondary education - must be at least two years prior to today's date.)
- Provide proof of two years of payments on the student loan(s) and provide a copy of the last statement showing that account payments are current. (Due to the freezing of federal student loan payments in April 2020 because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, we will need to see a payment history showing accounts were current as of March 31, 2020 on those federal loans. Since this did not affect private loans, those must still show current to date payments.)
- Letter showing proof of volunteer involvement during 2023-24.
- In the case of multiple lending institutions, provide the choice of which one the award should be made payable to.
Applicants must complete the online form using the link below to submit their application. If membership requirements are approved they will receive an email requesting the additional supporting documentation.
The 2024 program budget approved by the GCU Board, provides for 25 awards which will be issued on a first come, first served basis based on GCU receiving all required documents not on application date. Awards will be made payable to the lending institution and mailed to the member to include with their monthly payment.