GCU Board of Directors has instituted a $10,000 Special Matching Funds collection for California Wildfire victims.

GoGive! Reporting Form

Your First Name:

Your Last Name:

Your Email:

Your Phone Number:

Your Address:

City, State, Zip Code

Event Name

Event Date:

Event Location

Charity, church or cause to benefit from your project:

Number of volunteers:

Number of volunteer hours:

Tell us a story about your event for our magazine and website use:
Please send photos to gogive@gcuusa.com


Income Description

Dollar amount:

*Item 1.

Income Description:

Dollar amount:

Item 2.

Income Description:

Dollar amount:

Item 3.

Income Description:

Dollar amount:

Total income amount:


*Item 1.

Expense Description:

Dollar amount:

Item 2.

Expense Description:

Dollar amount:

Item 3.

Expense Description:

Dollar amount:

Total expenses for event:

Total Profit to be donated:

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