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Spiritual August Report

August 18, 2022


Whether we are infants learning to live in the world; students learning a vocation; adults living out our vocation and our lives; or older adults sharing the knowledge of our lived lives: LIFE GOES ON.

However, all our plans and goals can be changed in an instant. As someone once said to me: “We make plans and God laughs.” But even then, LIFE GOES ON. God has a plan for us, a plan that many times we would never imagine. God’s ways are not necessarily our ways. I recently underwent surgery and unexpected complications set in. In fact, I am writing this from a rehabilitation facility and LIFE GOES ON. These interruptions in our lives can be times when God gives us spiritual growth. We learn not only from our own sufferings, but also from others. As I go through my own physical therapy, I see many struggling more than I am. We may tend to think “Well, they may be suffering more, but I still have to bear mine.” The better reaction is to pray for those who may be worse off than we are. God is teaching us to care for each other. The suffering and tragedy we undergo also affords the opportunity for those who take care of us to follow in the footsteps of Christ.

The sacrifices they make for us, the time they take out of their lives to care for us, and the compassion they show us reflect the Gospel story of the Good Samaritan.

These past few weeks have afforded me the opportunity not only to look at how I have lived my life, but how I can do better to serve the People of God. Isn’t it a wonderment of how God enters our life when we least expect it? Those times that we face tragedy in our lives, in our families, and even death, God comes to us, and so to speak, “Hits us on the side of the head with a two by four!” The lessons we learn at these times can change our life if we only take the opportunity to recognize them. I knew a man who had the disability of alcoholism. One day he ran his car into a building, was in a coma for months, and when he came out of it, never drank alcohol again. I used to tell him God hit him on the side of the head with a building!

I began this article on the eve of Pentecost. I wrote in my last article on the topic of Pentecost: “It is the Holy Spirit who lives within each of us from the day of our baptism, making us temples of God. It is the Holy Spirit who gives us the strength to make it through all the conflicts and problems which we meet along the road of life.” We can say LIFE GOES ON because God is always there looking out for us, His sons and daughters. What is needed from us is to believe that He is there for us.

What is needed from us is prayer, is acceptance of the will of God, and gratitude for all that God has done for us.

O Jesus, grant to us, your servants, your quick and constant comfort when discouragement overcomes our inmost spirit. When our souls are troubled, do not withdraw from us, nor be far off when we are confused and doubtful. Rather, stand by us always. Come close to us, O You who are everywhere present, come close! Just as you promised, in Your goodness, to be with Your Apostles at all times so stay with us who long for You that we may glorify the Holy Spirit with one accord.

Ikos from the Canon of Pentecost

Mitred Archpriest John S. Kachuba | GCU Spiritual Advisor

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