The 2024 GCU Board of Directors Results are now available.

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Spiritual August Report

August 12, 2020


For any person who is opposed to change, he or she has been and will be undoubtedly disappointed frequently… change is a constant. Families, neighborhoods, churches, cities, states, countries and the world witness change regularly. The GCU has experienced much change in its long history, even recently, and will continue to deal with change. This year there was no Convention—there most likely would not have been one anyway! We all know how the COVID-19 Virus has changed almost every facet of our lives. The Board of Directors in advance began to prepare for the present elections; all adult members were to have received ballots in the mail. By July 31 all ballots were to have been returned. AS I write this article, today is July 25, 2020 and we await the results of the election. One thing is certain—this will be my last letter to you as National Spiritual Advisor. I have decided to step down after having served the GCU as first Chairman of the Supreme Tribunal for 8 years and as National Spiritual Advisor for the past 12 years. I have had the opportunity to send messages to you and have had the pleasant responsibility of celebrating the Divine Liturgy one day each month for the past 12 years for all of you. I do know one result, my successor will be Very Rev. John S. Kachuba, who has been a good friend since our first day at SS. Cyril & Methodius Seminary. I offer my best wishes to Fr. John as well as the elected members of the Board of Directors and Officers of our Fraternal Union. I ask the favor of a prayer in return! God be with you all and God bless the GCU!

Very Rev. Richard I. Lambert

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