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GCU President/CEO December Report

December 10, 2020

A Time of Giving

The year 2020 will go down in our personal memoirs as one of the most extraordinary years of our lifetime! I am sure we are all ready to turn the page to 2021. This holiday season will be difficult for so many individuals and families that have been severely affected by this pandemic and the natural disasters that also occurred. This time of year has been traditional for us to remember the less fortunate by supporting the numerous organizations that sponsor various programs that provide food, clothing, toys and other necessities. The need is even greater this year with so many individuals being unemployed.

Personally, I am a member of the Salvation Army Advisory Board of Beaver County where the GCU’s Home Office is located. The Salvation Army truly addresses the needs of so many residents within our country, not only at Christmas time but throughout the year. With the fear of this deadly virus, many individuals are opting to stay at home, outside of essential reasons, that will have a drastic negative affect upon the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Christmas Campaign this year. I invite you to donate through the Salvation Army’s website – – under the tab “Rescue Christmas” to assist your local Salvation Army Corp to address the needs within your community. Your donation will help bring some Christmas cheer to the many less fortunate and those that have been affected by this pandemic.

The GCU has been doing its part as well. The Board of Directors has approved several financial grants and matching funds programs to assist the many individuals, organizations, communities and our Byzantine Catholic Churches affected by COVID-19. The programs implemented included two grants issued to every GCU lodge and district to support local food banks within their communities, a grant to each Eparchy of the Ruthenian Byzantine Catholic Church in the United States, a grant to every Byzantine Catholic parish of each of the four eparchies and a matching funds program for GCU members that have made donations to a COVID-19 relief cause.

We express our appreciation to our lodges and districts that have been able to continue their good deeds under the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and other federal and state mandates in their continued support of their communities and their Byzantine parishes. Eighty seven percent of our lodges and districts participated in the initial COVID-19 Summer Food Bank Grant with seventy percent participating thus far in the Holiday Food Bank Grant Program. Thank You!

I am very proud to announce that Agnes Rohrbach has been selected as the Pennsylvania Fraternal Alliance’s 2020 Fraternalist of the Year. This award recognizes an individual within the fraternal benefit system who, through example and accomplishment, provides outstanding volunteer service. She will be awarded a plaque, medallion and a $200.00 donation that will be made to Meals on Wheels of Greater Hazelton in her honor. Agnes currently serves as the Secretary, Athletic Director and Fraternal Director of the Greater Hazelton Area Regional Lodge. She was also recognized as the GCU’s 2019 Fraternalist of the Year. Well-deserved Agnes – Congratulations!

Despite the challenges presented under the current pandemic environment, the GCU has been fortunate in continuing to produce excellent financial results that has allowed for additional funding of grants and matching funds as noted in my previous comments. The GCU continues to reflect growth in assets and surplus in addition to recording excellent profits. Our Chief Financial Officer, Tim Demetres, presents a detailed financial report of our third quarter results that appears on page 4 of the December Magazine. Our sincere appreciation to our members and agents for the continued trust and confidence you have exhibited in the GCU allowing that is the cornerstone of our past, present and future success!

In closing, my congratulations and thank you to our Board of Directors, Executive Officers, Department Directors and our entire Support Staff that has allowed for the GCU to experience another successful year! May the Birth of Our Lord and Savior and the joy of this holiday season provide solace to you and your family in dealing with this pandemic crisis at hand. My best wishes for a safe and Happy Holiday Season and all the best for a healthy and prosperous New Year!

George N. Juba

Many Blessings to You & Your Family!

It’s been an unusual year like no other.

GCU takes this time to show our upmost appreciation and gratitude to our Members! We’re grateful for the opportunity to bring you great products, service and financial soundness.

May your Christmas and New Year Celebrations be filled with love, cherished memories, and thoughtful reflection.

Thank You for being part of our GCU Family!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

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